As I have mentioned in previous posts, I have had more problems with this vendor than I would care to remember. Every time I would go to the foundry I would end up so sick because they would be threatening to charge me more. More money was already added to their additional bid. I’m stuck here, and I have to just bide my time. They were supposed to have the project done by a certain date, and I received a call a few weeks ago saying that they could not meet the deadline. I know my clients were going to be pissed, but frankly, after what we have been through with my kids and losing their home and family pet in a fire, it is just art. I told my client the foundry would do a good job and they could have an additional party and celebration when the sculpture came. They were not happy. What was I to do? Well, then I was searching the internet and discovered a story from the paper in their area saying my vendor is going under and there is a chance that the IRS may seize their property, which means my property. This is a monumental sculpture and not something I can walk away with. I have done what needed to be done as a businesswoman. I found someone who came and helped me get my art out of there. It was a mess. I drove the 877 miles while I was recovering from Pneumonia. I did it. But I get a sense there is more trouble ahead with this project. Please God no. I have just lost 80,000. Don’t let it be worse than that. No stress, I am a strong woman. I am stronger than fire and stronger than a vendor going bankrupt. I now know the trickle down effect of such a disaster. I will do this.